Thursday, 19 February 2015

Crowd: Comic Book Convention

Moving on from the portraiture project we were each given a scenario to incorporate twelve of our characters into. I did end up using a few of my summer project characters, but I also found myself creating a few new ones. 
My scenario was a crowd at a comic book convention. I therefore played upon the idea of cosplay, but rather than just having people dressed up as the comic book character, I wanted a clear indicator that they were simply impersonating that hero rather than being them. For example, Wolverine's claws are sporks; Spiderman's webs are silly-string and Groot has tied branches to himself rather than actually being tree. 
The layout was influenced by comic book layouts and I tried to use a variety of bold colours and dramatic lines, which however, do not confine the characters, but just give them their placement. 

A3 Print Poster

Character sketches
I constructed the poster after I had individually drawn each character and coloured them. It made it easier to focus on detail and then easily combine them into one poster.

Mediums Used: photoshop and drawing tablet.

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